Pages discussing functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media (FUFISM)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The value of HUMOR as a semantic search marketing tool

This post is a reworked comment on the HOA embedded at the bottom of the post.
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Humor within your online marketing is always a personal; choice, and for many business owners and managers this is a serious affair, and there should not be any humor, in the office or within their marketing... This  bad attitude also flows through in CORPORATE THINKING where most marketing is done in SILOS with each marketing department doing their own thing.


This thinking by corporate business and most C-SUIT teams (Chief Something officers)  is purely because (at east in my mind) these people do not understand that SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the CORE ELEMENT in your total marketing plan.

You need to remember,  that from a #FUFISM  based marketing perspective  SEO or Search Engine Optimisation has three major sections which are

1)  #IPSEO or inpage search engine optimisation
2)   #OPSEO or Off page search engine Optimisation
3)  #OLSEO  or *Off Line Search Engine Optimisation*

You also need to remember that these three SEO elements, IPSEO,  OPSEO and OLSEO  need to be properly aligned, and that your basic target market research and related key words apply to all three of these separate  but co-dependent marketing strategies.

Humor, especially within the OFF LINE ENVIRONMENT is very effective.

We all know about IPSEO  which is where all the sneaky and devious in-page stuff is housed within the HTML code and related files such as image files, data base files, video files, audio files, CCS files  and text files amongst many others.     Stuff like out bound links and the REL = AUTHOR tag as well as all the META DATA both within the <HEAD> and <body> sections including the the navigation structure of your pages are relevant here.  There are many other sneaky and devious things that can be done, as part of IPSEO, some of them suspect or Black hat, and some of them directly related to SEMANTIC SEARCH

It should be noted here that most OPSEO is still within the ONLINE ENVIRONMENT

OPSEO or off page SEO is where you add semantic value to your online content through the associations of your social media posts discussing your online content through the direct links within your social media posts to your online content.  Then there are the issues of Link building, inbound marketing, search marketing and so many other deviously hidden off page SEO tactics.  These off page SEO tactics  add value to your online content in a number of different ways, mostly due to the links that connect them together and the related *SEMANTIC FOOTPRINTS* of each digital entity which references your online content or is referenced by those who discuss your online contentment in some or other way.

The last one in the list OLSEO  is a bit tricky and also one of the most vital components of your TOTAL SEO STRATEGY    This is where you PHYSIOLOGICALLY ATTACK .  your intended target market audience through all offline means available to you such as but not limited to:

in the news papers
in magazines
in flyers and billboard advertising
in your radio marketing
at road shows or speaking at industry specific events

The purpose of these PHYSIOLOGICAL ATTACKS  is to  PLANT SEMANTIC SEEDS that will grow and blossom into a welcome fruit called SEARCH QUERIES that have the most relevant search terms for your online content.


These search terms as used by your intended target market audience in their online search queries are the key to great SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)  You can have the best results within the SERP's for your selected keywords, but if your intended target market does not use your KEYWORDS as a search terms within their SEARCH QUERIES your IPSEO and OPSEO has been most wasteful and ineffective.

*HUMOR* has many strange hooks  that sneak their way into the memory and associate your *SEMANTIC SEEDS* with your work, your products, your service, your events and related issues.  These are the best and most valuable semantic seeds that you need to germinate, nurture and fertilize as time goes along to ensure that your intended target market uses these SEMANTIC SEEDS to grow a great semantically related vocabulary so that they may use them within their search queries.

You must remember that,  from a marketing perspective,  the function of a search engine is to match SEARCH QUERIES  to your KEYWORDS  this implies that you need to take control of your intended target markets thinking patterns and ensure that your keywords surface in their thought processes.

With out this vital connection between your keywords and a search query your online work may never be anywhere near the top of the SERP's.

I blogged about this the other day title = "blog post discussing OLSEO by Frank Gainaford (yours truly)" where I discussed what is OLSEO and why you should use it.

link to HOA comment stream

Friday, April 17, 2015

What is OLSEO and why should you know how to use it?

#HASHTAGMARKETING is a very powerful marketing technique tht uses the hashtag (#)  as  a special sorting tool within the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) to group specific posts (those that contain the hash tag) within the SERP's (Search Engine Resukts Pages)

OLSEO or OFF LINE SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION is a new way of thinking about search queries as part of the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) industry.

In the past SEO was only about key words, then the Google HUMMINGBIRD algorithm stepped into the picture and turned all search issues upside down and inside out.  The Google HUMMINGBIRD algorithm introduced a whole host of new search engine optimisation value indicators or variables that search engines use to match a search query to an online resource, and then display that as an item in the SERP or Search Engine Results page.

Many of the new SEOVI or Search Engine Optimisation value inductors that came along with GOOGLE HUMMINGBIRD, and the related SEMANTIC SEARCH issues,  are not within the original source information within the page. These Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators  live within the social media based  #OPSEO (Off Page Search Engine Optimization) efforts of your Search Engine Optimization team, as well as related comment streams and other semantically linked content.

SEO or search engine optimisation suddenly had to be  re-invented and tackled from a very different perspective.  We at the INFO4U team thus introduced a marketing philosophy called FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated Social media.   When practicing FUFISM based marketing the social media  plays a vital role within the Search Engine Optimisation industry by delivering most of the new OPSEOVI or Off Page Search Engine Optimization Value Indicators to the search engines through their direct associations with the online content in question.  This delivery of the new SEOVI;s  is done through the  links within the social media posts to the content in question.  The many semantic connections and associated social media network signals are also factored in and these social media driven SEOVI  (Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators) are becoming ever more valuable to search engines as they learn how to manage and interpret these new SEOVI

It should also be noted here that search engines view each social media post as a stand alone web page that has all the standard old school Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators such as but not limited to :

#HASHTAGMARKETING is a very powerful marketing technique tht uses the hashtag (#)  as  a special sorting tool within the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) to group specific posts (those that contain the hash tag) within the SERP's (Search Engine Resukts Pages)
Page rank
site rank
domain rank
key word values
page title values
page description values

These SEOVI are thus passed along to the SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms) which process them and store the results  in data bases for future use in determining SERP's.  The info in these data bases is used in   the application of deeper level algorithms that match this data to search queries in meaningful and managed ways. Each social media post that links to your online content thus adds extra semantic value and associated Search engine Optimisation Value indicators to your online content, thus improving your chances of having your online content matched to a search query.

From our FUFISM based marketing perspective SEO or search engine optimisation is now divided into two sections with three categories. The first or primary section is #IPSEO or In Page Search Engine Optimisation, and the second section is #OPSEO or Off Page Search Engine Optimisation.

OPSEO is divided into two categories and the first is On Line Off Page Search engine Optimization while the second is Off Line Off Page Search Engine Optimisation

the categories that we at INFO4U use and have named as part of our FUFISM based marketing strategies are thus

1) #IPSEO or In Page Search Engine Optimization
2) #OPSEO or Off Page Search Engine Optimisation
3) #OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimisation.
We have previously discussed both IPSEO and OPSEO at length in many different places, but OLSEO has not been discussed any where.  Before we discuss OLSEO we will need to define SEO in a manner that makes the conversation that follows more meaningful.  There are many definitions of SEO and they are actually quite different, as these definitions of SEO have been framed to suit the marketing concept being discussed.  So we would like to use the following definition of SEO.

#HASHTAGMARKETING is a very powerful marketing technique tht uses the hashtag (#)  as  a special sorting tool within the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) to group specific posts (those that contain the hash tag) within the SERP's (Search Engine Resukts Pages)

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is all the work done by your marketing team and their partners to ensure that your online content is found by your intended target market audience when they search online for your content or any semantically related content.


With this definition in mind how would you classify or describe the  adverting or marketing work done within the Off line environment such as in the print media, radio or other off line environment in terms of your SEO?

To many the linkages are not immediately clear, as they view SEO as stuff done to influence search engines, and how search engines view your key words and related online content.  with this in mind how do you interpret the difference between a query and  key words?

Think about this and write down you answer before reading further..

Key words are used by SEO practitioners to influence search engine's interpretations of the online content that they are trying to optimize for better SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)

Search queries are used by the public when they search online for information that would solve a problem for them, or allow them to perform a task, such as watch a specific video, listen to music by their favorite artist or gather information for a presentation that they may need to deliver at a meeting.

The question thus becomes how do you as an information provider ensure that your intended target market audience uses specific words (your key words) in their search queries?

This is where OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimisation steps into the search engine optimisation industry and becomes a very valuable part of the SEO  tactics and tool box that you have available at your disposal.

This sounds a bit strange as we have always viewed SEO as the online stuff that impacts on how a search engine interprets your online content.  Nobody ever tells you that your intended target market audience need to use your selected key words in their search queries.  Nobody ever tells you, that you have the power to influence which words your intended target market audience will use in their search query, when searching online.

There are two avenues to influence what words your intended target market use, as search queries, the first is by ensuring that they discover these words and related semantic terminology within your OPSEO (Off Page Search Engine Optimisation) and the second is your OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimisation.

OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimisation is the process of using PHYSIOLOGICAL TACTICS  to plant the SEMANTIC SEEDS,   which will grow and blossom into SEARCH QUERIES, within the thinking patterns and thought processes,  that your intended target market will use when searching online.

The tools that you use to manage these PHYSIOLOGICAL TACTICS are already in use by most companies and organizations, where many already use these tools quite effectively,  with out understanding that they are actually using these very sneaky and devious OLSEOT's or Off Line Search Engine  Optimisation Tactics.

I am sure  that you are asking yourself what tools is this dude talking about, and how does he think that I am using PHYSIOLOGICAL WARFARE  on my online audience, or my intended target market audience within the off line environment?

The tools I am talking about here are very basic and elementary. these tools that you would use to PHYSIOLOGICALLY ATTACK your intended target market are the off line marketing avenues suchas but not limited to

The print media, such as news paper adverting , magazines marketing and flyers
radio marketing and TV if you can afford it
Road shows and speaking opportunities at industry events

How you use these tactics to plant the semantic seeds within your intended target audiences thinking patterns and thought processes  will vary from industry to industry, but the idea is still the same.  You need to get the attention of your intended target market audience, and use your selected key words, which will appear in the copy of your online content, in ways that have a lasting or long term impact.  You will further elaborate on this within your online social media platforms and thus re-enforce the associations of these specific words with your brand, your products or your information.
#HASHTAGMARKETING is a very powerful marketing technique tht uses the hashtag (#)  as  a special sorting tool within the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) to group specific posts (those that contain the hash tag) within the SERP's (Search Engine Resukts Pages)
The process starts within the off line space, and is slowly extended into the online environment of the social media where the seeds planted within the off line environment are nurtured, fertilized and expanded on.  This is where #HASHTAG marketing flourishes so well, as you can introduce your own unique product or event hashtag within the print media, then expand it very easily into the social media and have well optimized and properly placed landing pages for these hashtags on your blog and your web site, where you would display  appropriate information expanding your hash tag in meaningful and productive ways.

It is thus important for your SEO that you understand your intended target market audience, and know where and how to introduce your key words and associated semantically linked terminology into their thinking patterns and thought processes, so as to co-inside with your online marketing efforts.


Online marketing has changed very drastically with the introduction of SEMANTIC SEARCH and the marketing industry now needs to realise that online marketing, and associated SEO  does not operate in isolation, but is intertwined with so many new variables, and the Off Line Arena of news papers, magazines and radio also feature as SEO variables.  These SEO variables are not seen by search engines, but are the physiological elements that influence the search query, which your intended target market audience will use when searching online.

It is the function of a search engine to match the end user's (your intended target market)  SEARCH QUERY  to your KEYWORDS

Keywords are used by your SEO team to influence a search engine to take cognizance of your online content. 

Search queries are used by your intended target market audience to locate information within the online environment.

It thus follows that both search queries and key words are important to surface your content for your intended target audience when they search online.