Looking for a place to stay when on Holiday?
try 4u2stay
This is a great holiday accommodation bookings assistant. The accommodation owners pay an annual fee to be members, and when you search these pages at http://4u2stay.co.za/site/ you will be surprised at the number of establishments and their varied offerings.
Self catering, hotels, motels, B&B (Bed and Breakfasts), guest house, lodges and any other style of accommodation you can think of is listed at 4U2STAY
All price ranges from the cheapest and most rustic to the 5 Star complexes where you even get your own chef for the night, and are waited on hand and foot.
supported and maintained by forAfrica - www.forafrica.co.za
4U branding and marketing collectively as a group works best. Links and other SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) stuff is important to get your pages at the top of the SERPs (Search engine Results Pages)
need a car when on holiday?
try car4u2use this is a simple bookings site where you can book your car or van well in advance of your holiday. you can book your transport for any country, and pay before you leave home, so the money you take with is spending money.
remeber to plan your holiday well.book your accommodation through 4u2stay and your transport through car4u2use
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