Pages discussing functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media (FUFISM)

Sunday, July 08, 2012

New approach to supply Info4u2use products and services.

I have not been blogging here for some time now, and have had a big change in my thinking patterns. I have had a focus shift, and my company is busy with a major  makeover, moving away from the Elephant Coast marketing platform to marketing and supplying cloud computing services for the small and micro industries of South Africa.

We have a face book profile run by Frank Gainsford at and a Twitter Profile at which along with this blog and other social media platforms will be complementing the pages found at to market and advertise the Info4u services and products.

Info4u will be marketing the many GOOGLE products available and our primary focus is on small and micro businesses which we will support and educate in ways that will allow them to make good use of the current trends in cloud computing and related marketing aspects of the Internet.

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