Pages discussing functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media (FUFISM)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Is FaceBook marketing successfull

Is marketing on faceBook worth your efforts?

Well the short answer is a very big MAYBE

Read this article   then come back and read further here

Well what does the success of your FaceBook marketing depend on?

the answer is simple, is your target market clearly defined, and have you used the correct product / service related terminology in your copy-writing?

The success of your FaceBook marketing  can further be boosted by doing some good old fashioned SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in the back ground by supplementing your FaceBook stories with
  • a twitter campaign with its own profile
  • a blog or two with related posts
  • a  website at its own domain that has 
    • a facebook like button
    • a tweet this button
    • links to your related blogs
    • been optimised for search engines
  • making use of online forums and chat rooms
  • active marketing profiles on other multi-media platforms
A multi-media campaign  with the following components will also help if you have the resources
  • old fashioned flyers
  • magazine adds
  • newspaper adds
  • radio adds
  • TV adds
enjoy your multi-media and social media marketing, or else get specialist to do these things for you.

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