Pages discussing functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media (FUFISM)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shelly Beach 4U

Shelly Beach 4U is a marketing campaign for the many businesses and their products, services and community interactions along the Hibiscus Coast (South Coast) of KZN South Africa.

Shelly Beach 4U uses a combination of social media and cloud computing techniques to  market individual businesses and their existing online information to ensure better search engine rankings and larger ROI (Return On Investment) for their collective efforts.

Twitter page for Shelly Beach 4U -
FaceBook Page for  Shelly Beach 4U
base web pages for Shelly Beach 4U

These are all new pages and are slowly growing in popularity if you want your business listed in these pages fillin the form found here
you can send email to shellybeach4u

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