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Thursday, August 23, 2012

SEO and what it really means

 SEO - Search Engine Optimisation - has changed over the years, and some how the meaning of the term SEO has been lost. SEO could be described as discussed in the post Search engine optimisation and your social media marketing strategies: SEO and what it really means  where I use this definition of SEO to try and get people into the right frame of mind when discussing SEO

A definition of SEO : The techniques and methods used in generating good copy written with the intended target market in mind and the related subsequent online promotion of the copy once it is placed within the desired platform so as to ensure good SERP's (Search Engine Results Positions) within that specific platform. 

SEO involves the whole marketing team, as well as every other aspect of the company and should adopt an integrated approach when properly done. The most important part of any SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) effort is to ensure that the target market is clearly defined, because all subsequent efforts are really in place to ensure that this specific target market finds the material concerned and actually clicks on the link provided by the search provider.

This means that the SEO technician needs to be consulted / instructed with the desired end result in mind, with a clear road map showing all the target market groups  and the associated   marketing strategies which include but is not limited to:
  • all social media platforms including but not limited to :
    • facebook
    • twitter
    • pinterest
  • news platforms and forums
  • all blogs and associated news letters (online or offline)
  • any other online marketing associated with the project at hand
  •  all related marketing avenues
The related subsequent online promotion is the big issue as it involves the  generation of quality back-links and these should come from as wide a variety of sources as is possible and include the above listed sources. This means that
  • the company blogger
  • the different social media platform managers
  • the company media consultant
  • the company publicist
  • the marketing manager 
  • other affected departments within the company
All need to be part of the SEO team and each needs to supply the SEO technical team with reports detailing their online activities showing how, and where they place links  to the company web site. These reports need to be analyzed and followed up with feed back, specifying words to be used in copy as well as specific pages with associated links that should be used within their subsequent online promotion of the desired pages within the company website through the medium that they use.

That means that
  • the Facebook team must discuss and link to specified landing pages
  • the twitter team must tweet specifeid words with links to these same landing pages
  • the pinterest team must pin images from these specified landing pages and add comments with specified keywords
  • Linked in team must discuss specified product / service and link to specified landing pages
  • G+ team must follow similar guidlines
  • Company blogs must follow similar guidelines and link to specified landing pages
 These actions need to be integrated and each team should ensure cross referencing is done in an organised and structured manner with each platform referring to all other platforms with the prime focus placed on the call to action pages in the company website where sales will be the main focus.

 I recently watched this video about how to convince the top management to spend money on social media marketing, and was quite shocked, because it highlighted an important issue for me. this issue is that SEO is not understood by marketing people, as it is perceived to be separate from marketing!!!!!

SEO is the prime marketing tool that will ensure your online efforts - be they in the social media, on blogs, in news casts or web pages - are found by your intended target market. once again an overview of what SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is

A definition of SEO : The techniques and methods used in generating good copy written with the intended target market in mind and the related subsequent online promotion of the copy once it is placed within the desired platform so as to ensure good SERP's (Search Engine Results Positions) within that specific platform. 

1 comment:

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