Pages discussing functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media (FUFISM)

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Google Collections as an SEO tool

Online marketing is a very complicated affair and has many separate components that need to work together as a team for any degree of success. We have those who require information on one side, those who are offering information on the other and search engines in the middle,  connecting those who are looking for information with those who are displaying information (marketing).

Those who are looking (searchers) are our intended target market audience, and they create *SEARCH QUERIES*

Those who are displaying (marketing / advertising),   use *KEYWORDS* as their primary tool to influence search engines.

The search engines use many different tactics and a host of algorithms to mathematically calculate which online content is the best possible match  for each search query, and display their findings in a SERP or Search Engine Results Page for the person searching to select the page that best matches his / her intentions from the list of pages displayed in the SERP

Before Google hummingbird stepped into the picture all search engines used to rely on keywords and inbound links as the two primary SEOVI or Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators The Google Hummingbird algorithm turned search upside down and inside out, as keywords and links were suddenly demoted to being an awful lot less relevant than they were, with a host of new SEOVI or Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators that suddenly came into existence within the social media space. These new Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators became more important than keywords or inbound links due to their vast numbers of different individual search engine optimisation value indicators that were not directly within the online content, but added value in some way or another to the Search engine optimisation Value Indicators associated with the  online content in question.

Here we are talking about many things and the list here is only a very small subset of  the vast number of Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators  (SEOVI's) that are considered and factored into the host of  SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms) that perform a large number of  different operations, storing many intermediate variables for each individual piece of online content, within their *LARGE DATA SETS* that are used by subsequent SEA's and finally by the SEA that actually assembles the SERP
  • author values
  • publisher values
  • social re-actions
  • page rank of social posts
  • out bound link values within social media posts
  • semantic foot prints of authors and publishers
  • Semantic footprints of those who interact with the posts in question 
  • content matching as in keywords and associated semantic linkages between post and online content in question
  • network positions and nodes that connect the different digital identities to each other through SEMANTIC linkages
  • context matching between social media posts and online content in question
  • intent of social media post, and the ability to connect that intent to the page in question
  • the actual intent of the search query
  • is the searcher logged into Google or not
  • any previous searches made from the same device
  • any previous searches made by the individual searcher if logged in
  •  context of  online resource housing the content in question.
The above list is a very small subset of all the issues at stake, and the new *GOOGLE COLLECTIONS* gives us as marketers a new tool to add an extra set of SEOVI,  that have a very strong *SEMANTIC INFLUENCE*  and will add a very large *#STFSEOVI  (Semantic Trust Factor Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators)*  contingent to each identified digital entity that is directly referenced within  any out bound link in any one of the posts contained within any individual *GOOGLE COLLECTION* created by and *INDIVIDUAL DIGITAL ENTITY* be that digital entity a person, a Google plus business page, or any other Google plus profile that has the ability to make use of Google Collections.

Those who understand the *IMPACTS OF GOOGLE HUMMINGBIRD* and have taken the time to implement authorship and publisher issues within their online content through the recommended HTML methods of *REL = AUTHOR* as well as *REL = PUBLISHER* will score immensely from this new Google plus option of *GOOGLE COLLECTIONS*

Making use of Google  Collections in a well managed and properly structured #FUFISM based marketing strategy,  will improve the STFSEOVI or Semantic Trust Factor Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators of every single digital entity referenced within each and every out bound link within  any post within each specific Google Plus Collection.

These new SEOVI or Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators as associated with Google collections will not make or break your online  marketing  efforts, but are just one new piece to the semantic puzzle that constitutes your online marketing.  It is thus of extreme importance that you manage your Google Collections properly and ensure that *each post within your specific Google Collection*  is on topic and relevant to the collection as a whole.  *OFF TOPIC POSTS* will dilute the power of your Google Collection to influence your SERP's .

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