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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is SEO important to your company ? or Search Engine Optimisation is the toolkit that you supply to the search engines so that they may build bridges between your online content and your intended target market audience.


If your SEO is done right then the search engines will be able to build  bridges with Good well mapped access points that allow free flow of high volume traffic between the search engine and your online content for your end users.


Doing SEO right is such a difficult task, as there are so many different components that need to work together as a team, with many that are in a constant state of flux.  Understanding these different components and how they interact within each other is the key to good well managed information flow patterns that are used by your marketing team to ensure a constant demand for  your products, services and related information.

It thus follows that SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the most vital component of your online marketing, as if this is not done right your online content will not reach your intended target market audience. 

The power of SEO or Search Engine Optimisation to influence your  online penetration must never be underestimated. Over the last few years the SEO industry has evolved from a purely technical in page only issue,  to now include all your marketing channels, and invade every corner of your marketing environment, both online and offline.  We need to get you to understand that  SEO now has three primary focal areas that need to be well integrated into your total marketing plan.  If this integration does not take place then you will have very poor  penetration within the  online marketing industry.

These three focal areas of SEO are 

1) IPSEO or In Page Search Engine Optimisation
2) OPSEO or Off Page (but online) Search Engine Optimisation
3) OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimisation.

IPSEO or In Page Search Engine Optimisation is all the technical stuff that is hidden within the HTML code of the page in question,  as well as a host of other related issues that are both seen and unseen by your intended target market,  when they consume the online content made available to them,  through your page in question.   There are many folks that do a wide variety of different things here, but it starts with   a marketing brief from the marketing manager.  The list below is a partial list, and only includes some the more important In Page issues that need to be addressed after target market and keyword research has been documented and shared with the relevant folks.

  • the textual content or copy writing
  • any images
  • any audio files
  • any video files
  • navigation structure
  • internal links
  • out bound links
  • the page lay out and colour scheme
  • micro data added to improve contextual issues
  • meta data in the page <HEADER> section
  • java scripts or any other hidden scripts
OPSEO or Off Page Search engine Optimisation is the next step, but some of this may need to be done prior to actual publication of your page to ensure proper information flow patterns.  OPSEO is all the online marketing done that links to the page in question, as well as associated online information which is called by a variety of different names as in the partial list below.

link building
relationship marketing
content marketing
search engine marketing
social media markleting
email marketing

These marketing channels are sometimes seen as independent marketing channels, but that is a misconception that needs to be addressed at the top level within your marketing structure, as these all have a very significant impact on a variety of different STFSEOVI or Semantic Trust Factor Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators.  Google as well as most other Search engines are now using these so called Semantic Trust Factors and Semantic Footprints in a number of different algorithms that impact on the SERP's or Search Engine Results Pages.

OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimization is  the art of applying psychological tactics to plant semantic seeds in your intended target market audience's thinking patterns and thought processes, through the use of off line marketing channels such as but not limited to:

news papers
road shows
speaking events

These SEMANTIC SEEDS then need to be germinated and nurtured through clever use of your OPSEO or Off Page, but online search engine Optimisation tactics, so that your intended target market will use your desired key words within their search queries. It thus follows that these three different layers of Search engine Optimisation need to be properly understood by your marketing team, so that each person within your marketing team can understand where their efforts fit into the picture, and how their individual efforts need to be integrated into the total marketing picture for best impact on the SERP's

 watch this HOA  (BILL and AMMON's BOGUS HANGOUTS) with +Bill Slawski  and +Ammon Johns for some great tips on SEO issues.

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