The true purpose of SEO (search Engine Optimisation) has some how been hidden from plain view, and now seems to be obscured by the technical jargon thrown around by technical SEO experts.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a complex task which involves your entire marketing teams efforts that starts with the Manipulation of "IN-PAGE DATA" to suit your target markets vocabulary and ends with ensuring that search engines understand the complete "Aboutness of your page" so that they are able to match this to the intent of the searcher who is looking for your information which you want your target market to find.
Put bluntly SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is done to ensure that your web pages and related online information get visitors. So we can happily say that the purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is to ensure that search engines send visitors to your pages.
Problem is how ever that website owners (you) don't want large numbers of visitors who will be uninterested and bored with what their web site offers, but want qualified visitors who will be entertained, take some action on their pages call to action statements, and tell their friends about the great experience they had.
Good SEO (Search Engine Optinisation) involves your complete marketing team to ensure
1) that your web sites visitors are entertained and have a great experience at your site. This end user satisfaction is fast becoming a primary concern within many SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms) which was never an issue in the past.
2) your in-page navigation structure is user-friendly and easy for search engines to understand in a way that enhances the SE (Search Engine) ability to link the pages aboutness to a searchers intent. This is also becoming a very contentious issue within the SEI (Search Engine Industry)
3) your web site has a good solid back up within your SME (Social Media Efforts) as social signals are becoming increasingly important within all major search engines metrics that are used within their SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms)
4) the copy writing is linguistically correct for the specified language in the META TAGS within the head section of your page. Good language and the correct syntax is getting a lot more attention within SEA's (search Engine Algorithms) than it did in the past, as this is assisting the search engine to link your pages aboutness to the users intent. Being linguistically correct involves using slang that is indigenous to your target market, so be careful how you interpret this.
5) the META TAGS in the HEAD section of your pages has all the right segments for your page type and page style. Is the page
a) a news page
b) a technical info page
c) a shopping or e-commerce page
d) an educational page
Once the marketing manager is up to speed with the true purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in the new online information age, you should not have any difficulty in ensuring that your company appoints a single dedicated person to manage your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to ensure that SEO related policies and guidelines are in place and functional.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a complex task which involves your entire marketing teams efforts that starts with the Manipulation of "IN-PAGE DATA" to suit your target markets vocabulary and ends with ensuring that search engines understand the complete "Aboutness of your page" so that they are able to match this to the intent of the searcher who is looking for your information which you want your target market to find.
Put bluntly SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is done to ensure that your web pages and related online information get visitors. So we can happily say that the purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is to ensure that search engines send visitors to your pages.
Problem is how ever that website owners (you) don't want large numbers of visitors who will be uninterested and bored with what their web site offers, but want qualified visitors who will be entertained, take some action on their pages call to action statements, and tell their friends about the great experience they had.
Good SEO (Search Engine Optinisation) involves your complete marketing team to ensure
1) that your web sites visitors are entertained and have a great experience at your site. This end user satisfaction is fast becoming a primary concern within many SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms) which was never an issue in the past.
2) your in-page navigation structure is user-friendly and easy for search engines to understand in a way that enhances the SE (Search Engine) ability to link the pages aboutness to a searchers intent. This is also becoming a very contentious issue within the SEI (Search Engine Industry)
3) your web site has a good solid back up within your SME (Social Media Efforts) as social signals are becoming increasingly important within all major search engines metrics that are used within their SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms)
4) the copy writing is linguistically correct for the specified language in the META TAGS within the head section of your page. Good language and the correct syntax is getting a lot more attention within SEA's (search Engine Algorithms) than it did in the past, as this is assisting the search engine to link your pages aboutness to the users intent. Being linguistically correct involves using slang that is indigenous to your target market, so be careful how you interpret this.
5) the META TAGS in the HEAD section of your pages has all the right segments for your page type and page style. Is the page
a) a news page
b) a technical info page
c) a shopping or e-commerce page
d) an educational page
AS search engines learn about people behavior and thinking patterns within various communities, they integrate this into their algorithms with devious mathematical tricks on the data they have about your pages to link the aboutness of your pages to the intent of the searcher.
It thus follows that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is no longer just about the technical in page SEO stuff, but must now include many more metrics. Google technical staff within the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) field say that they use more than 200 individual metrics in their SEA (Search Engine Algorithm) and some of the more important ones are listed below.- page title in <HEAD>
- page description in <HEAD>
- key words tags in <HEAD>
- other META TAGs in <HEAD>
- language
- user friendlyness
- navigation structure, internal links and out bound links
- inbound links from out side sources not under your control.
- Social media signals associated with page, site and communities
- in-page HTML use, structure and style (image alt tags, link title tags etc)
- copy content and relevance to other pages in sub-domain as well as complete domain relevance
Once again the true purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is to get search engines to send visitors to your pages. I hope that you now understand why SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) must be integrated into your company marketing holistically, and why you need a dedicated SEOM (Search Engine Optimisation Manager.)
Once the marketing manager is up to speed with the true purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in the new online information age, you should not have any difficulty in ensuring that your company appoints a single dedicated person to manage your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to ensure that SEO related policies and guidelines are in place and functional.