Friday, October 07, 2022

Search Engine Optimisation needs to be interpreted

Search Engine Optimisation has evolved into #SemanticEngineering

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation has changed radically since the introduction of the Google Hummingbird algorithm in 2013.

It is now  October  2022 and things are getting ever more complex as search engines use better and bigger search algorithms. the big change that followed the Google HummingBird algorithm was that search started to move away from so-called strings or word-only activities to suddenly include an ever-expanding cohort of things or entities. this move from STRINGS to THINGS was at first very slow, but around 2018 things started to suddenly move into the things spaces, as entity graphs and entity maps started to take control over search engine's ability to understand purpose and intent.

t has come to the point now that search engines actually attempt to understand the purpose, intent and context of your online assets, then using reverse engineering,  match the search intent to the intent of online content.  This is why it is so vitally important to understand the context and intent of the <HEAD> section of your HTML code. The three main issues are 
  1. page title
  2. page description
  3. keywords list
These three Search engine Optimisation variables need to be understood very clearly. what is the purpose of these three SEO variables. why should they be included in your HTML CODE ?

Well the answer is simple. if you stop and evaluate how search engines work.   These three issues are in the <HEAD> section. The head section is written specifically for search engines to get an understanding of the intent and purpose of your content.  The body section is written for the human end user. so your header and your body sections need to work together as a team. how these two sections interact determines how a search engine will value your online asset and its close associates. 

the values of these three META TAGS is really not understood within the SEO community, with many web development tools not having  access to these meta tags. many blog sites do not hve easy access to adjust the META TAGS in the <HEAD> section of your HTML code.
things have changed ... Google and other search engines now use alternate tactics to determine the intent and cotext of your online asset base, and list each item found separately. 

so time to wke up and take a look into the new tactics used bysearch engines. 

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