The issue of using the HTML attributes of REL = AUTHOR and REL = PUBLISHER has become essential in terms of the Google Humming Bird algorithm, as well as similar algorithms operated by other search engines. Info4u and the 4u brand have opted to use the PUBLISHER attribute as well as the AUTHOR ATTRIBUTE with a multi-stage strategy.
Stage one is the articles in our blogs and pages within our web sites with their link to the relevant author pages as per individual authors, using the REL = AUTHOR tags within the HTML code where applicable.
Stage two is our author bio pages with the links within the author bio pages that link to all the social media profiles connected to each individual author, as well as to other sites where each author contributes.
stage three is our publisher accreditation pages and the links within the pages that we are trying to establish publisher accreditation pages for, through the use of the REL = PUBLISHER tags where applicable, as well as return links to specific pages within our webs and blogs where we are seeking publisher accreditation
Stage four is the linking to specific blog posts within the personal bio subweb / folder to pages that carry the content which we are trying to establish accredited author status within search engines.
Stage five is the linking to specific pages where our online content resides, from our publisher accredited social media profile page, such as the Google Plus page which we have listed as the publishers social media profile to be accredited as the publisher
Here one needs to remember to make your author bio page, as well as your publisher business profile page public so that other search engines besides Google can access the bio data or business data as well as any related links there. You also need to remember that all pages within any social media platform are in essence subwesb, and this can be seen very clearly by the address (URL or UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR) given to all social media profiles. Here we talk addresses such as https://www.pinterest.com/info4u2use/ where pinterest is the domain, info4u2use is the sub domain, and the subsections are listed as folders while posts are listed as such.
all social media platforms work in the same manner, where each post is a seperate web page within your sub-domain the list below shows domains, sub webs / subdomains , subbfolders and posts
Different social media platforms have slight variations of this practice, but all have your profiles as sub web / sub domains and your posts as pages within that sub domain / subweb. Some social media platforms allow you to have subsections such as PINTEREST which has subsections that work as folders to house your sub divisions of your pinterest profile. This is replaced by the PIN subfolder when looking at individual pins Google plus has the /u/0/ subdivision which separates out other issues for better privilege management issues within Google.
We suggest that you also consider doing this, (using the REL = AUTHOR and REL = PUBLISHER tags within your HTML) as this builds the #STFSEOVI (Semantic Trust Factor Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators) of all your online work. This has a significant impact on your personal and business related semantic footprint, and thus has a very significant impact on your SERP's (Search Engine results Pages)
Google tried to get the all those who considered themselves as authors to use the GOOGLE BASED AUTHOR project where you would link your Google plus page to your online content through the REL = AUTHOR tag pointing the hyperlink in question to your Google plus page. There was quite a bit of resistance from the public at large and the uptake of this was very poor.
You do not need to use the Google based system in a closed manner like this, but can use any page that has your author profile, along with related bio data and related links, as your preferred author identification page. Doing things this way opens the REL = AUTHOR tag up to all other search engines as well, and is now a highly recommend technique to add real semantic value to your personal author bio page. You could house this author bio page on your personal blog, on your business blog, in your Facebbok personal page, or any other public space where all search engines have access. Currently Google has the lions share of search, but this may not stay that way forever, or perhaps your target audience does not use Google search engine, but YANDEX or perhaps BING or some other foreign based search engine. So we at Info4u suggest that you evaluate this carefully, and do what you believe will work for your audience.
The exact same issues apply to the publisher attribute REL = PUBLISHER. your publisher page need not be housed in Google Plus as a business page, but may be any public page where you discuss your company that you wish to be attributed as the publisher of you online content.
Once you have set up a page for your author bio data as well as a page for your company publisher issues then you need to do the rather tedious work of ensuring that all pages within your web sites, blogs and other online resources get these attributes added in the correct and relevant manner, you must remember that all pages may be attributed with the publisher status, but not all pages should carry the author attributes.
Placing author attributes on irrelevant pages may cost you quite a bit in terms of Semantic Trust, and even lead to search engines giving you some punitive penalty for being irresponsible in your use of the author tag REL = AUTHOR.
the REL = AUTHOR tag should be reserved for pages where authorship is an important issue, or authorship has some meaning to you and your audience. Pages that contain basic information and related marketing stuff like price lists, product lists, information that is collected from data bases, forms to fill in and the likes should not be attributed with author status. So think clearly about this and only add author attribution where it is necessary and may make sense to both your target audience and search engines.
Many people have written an awful lot about the REL = AUTHOR and REL = PUBLISHER tags within your HTML coding, but most have focused on using this in conjunction with Google plus profiles for both author and publisher accreditation. You need to evaluate these issues freshly with SEMANTIC SEARCH in mind. Take your time and apply the necessary due diligence and ask others for their input, as this is a very tricky issue that needs great care. Where to house your author and publisher landing pages should not be taken lightly, and you also need to consider who is your target audience and what social media platforms will have the best impact as far as your intended target audience and preferred search engines are concerned.
Each of these issues mentioned here needs to be evaluated with great care, as the impacts on your semantic footprint and the resultant SERP's is an awful lot bigger than most marketing folks realise or most SEOP's (Search Engine Optimsation professionals) will ever tell you.
for other opinions about the rel = author and rel = publisher tag see #googleauthorship
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