I have a collection of infographics discussing SEO or Search Engine Optimisation at
This article adds value to the pin found here https://www.pinterest.com/pin/100275529176554919/ which discusses On Page Search Engine Optimisation. I prefere the term of In page Search Engine Optimisation so that one can differentiate between IPSEO and OPSEO
#IPSEO or In-Page Search Engine Optimisation is the primary stage of the SEO process which starts with a marketing brief, then flows through product / service / event research into target market and key word research. The next stage of the seo process is #OPSEO or Off Page Search Engine Optimisation, which is well covered in this article, (http://www.razorsocial.com/blog-promotion/ where the orignal infographic is used. OPSEO comprises of the essential online actions of marketing your online content to your intended target market audience through the utilization of OPTE (Other Peoples Time and Effort) as you convince them to share your content to their audiences. OPSEO also covers many other areas such as print media, radio, television if your budget allows, road shows, and any other marketing that you may do within the off line media of all types.
The shares to the social media audience of others is where the search engines start to gather the semantic trust factors and semantic footprints of those who interact with your post, where the engagement issues play a very important aspect. These engagements with your online content in the form of social media signals such as face book likes and shares, Google plus PLUS ONES, comments and shares, twitter posts and re-tweets as well as many others all add to the trust factor #SEOVI (Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators)
This article talks of ON Page SEO, but I like to talk of it as In page SEO so that it can be differentiated from Off Page SEO. using the terminology of #IPSEO and #OPSEO allows to explain the differences and why each of these two SEO sectors are important and how they interact with each other, as they both target the same target market audience, but serve very different functions within the #FUFISM based marketing philosophy.
FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated Social media is a marketing philosophy where the social media is used to promote the OPSEO factors of your online content in a very well managed and properly co-ordinated manner so as to leverage the most powerful SERP"s (Search Engine Results Pages)
The off line space is very critical to your SEO process, though many SEO professionals will beg to differ and say that the off line space has naught to do with SEO Search engine Optimisation is actually very dependent on the off line space to be of any functionality at all, as this is the space where you do the physiological work of getting the desired search terminology into the thinking patterns and thought processes of your intended target market, through news paper articles, radio discussions, bill boards, flyers and any other means at your disposal that can be accommodated by your budget.
Without some prodding and pushing of your desired search terms within the offline space where your intended target audience lives, plays or works, how would you induce or perhaps even trick your desired target market audience to use your selected keywords, topics and hash-tags within the online search environment? It is vitally important that online marketers understand this, as this gives them the tools that they need during their target market research, so that they may then use the data obtained during the target market research phase to develop well thought through topics and related criteria which will then be fed into the keyword research stage of your SEO process. It thus follows that your online marketing must be aligned with and work closely together with your off line marketing to ensure that your intended target market audience used the correct terminology and associated sentence structures within the efforts to find your online content in online search.
Copywriters and other content creators thus need to work very closely with the IPSEO team, to ensure that their content fits the many different criteria for the in page search engine optimisation process, ranging from using the correct syntax, the correct terminolgy, the correct image visualization aspects, the correct audio aspects, the correct colours and so many other issues that would impact on the intended target market audience firstly discovering the page in search, and then opening your link within the SERP's and then following through and completing the first part of the conversion process by clicking on one of your selected CTA's (Call To Action) within the content that has been discovered through search, or actually consuming the content as desired.
The biggest issue that needs to be addressed here is the *BOUNCE RATE* as this is used in very complicated calculations to determine the trust factors as associated with, the page in question, the author and other contributors, as well as the publisher of the content in question. The bounce rate is not a signal on its own, but is a factor that is used to generate trust signals, so you do need to ensure that the trust signals associated with your content are addressed during the SEO process. Bounce rate is one of the minor factors, but it can influence many other areas, so your target market research must be of high quality, to ensure that only properly qualified searchers would use the search terms, syntax and language structure in their online queries, as you do not want to generate any false positives that result in your target audience leaving your page early. keyword and target market matching are thus critical issues during the keyword research stages, where you need to ensure that your target market is narrowed down to only properly qualified groups.
This article adds value to the pin found here https://www.pinterest.com/pin/100275529176554919/ which discusses On Page Search Engine Optimisation. I prefere the term of In page Search Engine Optimisation so that one can differentiate between IPSEO and OPSEO

The shares to the social media audience of others is where the search engines start to gather the semantic trust factors and semantic footprints of those who interact with your post, where the engagement issues play a very important aspect. These engagements with your online content in the form of social media signals such as face book likes and shares, Google plus PLUS ONES, comments and shares, twitter posts and re-tweets as well as many others all add to the trust factor #SEOVI (Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicators)
This article talks of ON Page SEO, but I like to talk of it as In page SEO so that it can be differentiated from Off Page SEO. using the terminology of #IPSEO and #OPSEO allows to explain the differences and why each of these two SEO sectors are important and how they interact with each other, as they both target the same target market audience, but serve very different functions within the #FUFISM based marketing philosophy.
FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated Social media is a marketing philosophy where the social media is used to promote the OPSEO factors of your online content in a very well managed and properly co-ordinated manner so as to leverage the most powerful SERP"s (Search Engine Results Pages)
The off line space is very critical to your SEO process, though many SEO professionals will beg to differ and say that the off line space has naught to do with SEO Search engine Optimisation is actually very dependent on the off line space to be of any functionality at all, as this is the space where you do the physiological work of getting the desired search terminology into the thinking patterns and thought processes of your intended target market, through news paper articles, radio discussions, bill boards, flyers and any other means at your disposal that can be accommodated by your budget.
Without some prodding and pushing of your desired search terms within the offline space where your intended target audience lives, plays or works, how would you induce or perhaps even trick your desired target market audience to use your selected keywords, topics and hash-tags within the online search environment? It is vitally important that online marketers understand this, as this gives them the tools that they need during their target market research, so that they may then use the data obtained during the target market research phase to develop well thought through topics and related criteria which will then be fed into the keyword research stage of your SEO process. It thus follows that your online marketing must be aligned with and work closely together with your off line marketing to ensure that your intended target market audience used the correct terminology and associated sentence structures within the efforts to find your online content in online search.
Copywriters and other content creators thus need to work very closely with the IPSEO team, to ensure that their content fits the many different criteria for the in page search engine optimisation process, ranging from using the correct syntax, the correct terminolgy, the correct image visualization aspects, the correct audio aspects, the correct colours and so many other issues that would impact on the intended target market audience firstly discovering the page in search, and then opening your link within the SERP's and then following through and completing the first part of the conversion process by clicking on one of your selected CTA's (Call To Action) within the content that has been discovered through search, or actually consuming the content as desired.
The biggest issue that needs to be addressed here is the *BOUNCE RATE* as this is used in very complicated calculations to determine the trust factors as associated with, the page in question, the author and other contributors, as well as the publisher of the content in question. The bounce rate is not a signal on its own, but is a factor that is used to generate trust signals, so you do need to ensure that the trust signals associated with your content are addressed during the SEO process. Bounce rate is one of the minor factors, but it can influence many other areas, so your target market research must be of high quality, to ensure that only properly qualified searchers would use the search terms, syntax and language structure in their online queries, as you do not want to generate any false positives that result in your target audience leaving your page early. keyword and target market matching are thus critical issues during the keyword research stages, where you need to ensure that your target market is narrowed down to only properly qualified groups.
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