Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A helpful introduction to Link Attributes in the online marketing Industry

This simple introduction to Link Attributes within the HTML content of your online marketing will help you better understand the true value of link attributes and how to use them wisely to improve the many different Search Engine Optimisation Value indicators that are used to generate better online search results.

first, you need to understand what link attributes are, then you can work out which link attributes you need to add to individual links, and how this will improve the quality and value of your online content to both the search engine algorithms and your intended target market audience.

Link Attributes are rather difficult to understand for most online marketing folks at first, but then suddenly a light bulb goes on and they get it.  Link Attributes are value-adding and quality-improving instruments, that are placed within the HTML code between the <a> and  </a/> tags of every link, So you do need to have a very basic or elementary understanding of HTML code. You do not need to be an expert in coder to add link attributes to your in-page HTML code, and can get your web design team to place them for you. 

Most link attributes are not mandatory or even necessary, but they do add tremendous quality and great value to your in-page SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  efforts. This quality is what Google Talks about all the time, and it is these small things that make the difference between being at the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) or lower down where the poor quality pages go.

Link attributes are not well defined, and the list of possible link attributes is rather disturbingly large. So you do need to understand the aims, objectives,  purpose and intent of the individual link when deciding which link attributes are needed,  which link attributes should be avoided, and how you will formulate them to suit your needs. Always remember that there is no one size fits all within the SEO industry.

There are many folks who will tell you that you do not need to add link attributes, and they are correct. link attributes are not mandatory, but they do help your page find better traction within the online search industry and help search engines to better understand the aims, objectives, purpose and intent of each individual link. This is used in expanding the knowledge graph, your in-page trust issues and many other semantic connectedness issues. think of the #THINGSNOTSTRINGS issues. There are many different places where each link is processed and evaluated for the SEOVI associated with the link.

some of the easier-to-add link attributes are things in the list below. this list is not exhaustive and there are very many others that you could add. your web development team will help you out here, but you do need to speak to them about this coz this is not mandatory stuff. that being said, each added link attribute will influence many different things in strange and unforeseen ways, so do be careful which link attributes you add to your links, and why these are even thought of.

 ALT TEXT for images,
 the link  title attribute,
 the link description attribute
REL = ????

Linking just for the sake of having links is a very stupid idea, and every link that you add to your content must have the following four traits.
1) purpose
2) objectives
3) aims
4) intentions

these are easy to determine and are not rocket science issues. Take the FOLLOW / NO FOLLOW link attribute. here you must choose to either have the link followed and add link juice to both ends of the link or NOT to follow and keep the link juice out of the equation.  so looking at the purpose and intentions of the link decide to  follow or not  follow.

If the link expands the conversation in meaningful or helpful ways and adds value to the interpretation of the in-page content then follow the link. If the link is an advertorial link or off topic then NO follow. it is that simple. this is all about the semantic connectedness issues, and related trust factors.

for some internal links like the link to an online form or sales page, why would you want it indexed?  having unnecessary pages indexed is a waste of crawl budget, and thus forms, payment pages and similar unnecessary pages should all get the NO INDEX link attribute installed

So link attributes add context to the link. for instance the TITLE ATTRIBUTE which pops up on the screen when the mouse hovers over the link, explaining to the end user what will happen when the link is clicked add context to the link.  the title is often worded like " click here to open form" or "click here to read more about this

This added context to the link is thus shown to the end user helping him / her to decide whether to click or not. this will depend on the stage of the conversion funnel where the end user is at the time that this on-screen pop catches their attention.

link attributes thus add value to the purpose and intent of the link. use this wisely 

 links used during research 


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