Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Power of Google Plus is growing, are you prepared?

There have been many rumors that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is dead, some have even hinted that it is buried. I think that those who started these rumors are FaceBook Marketers who have had some success and achieved some business without using any other platform besides FaceBook.

In my opinion these marketers have just been lucky, and their success has gone to their heads. Those in the online marketing industry know the truth, your products and services will not be found easily online unless they are well placed in the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)

At the end of the day there are only three ways that your online information will be found by your intended target market
  1. They will type your address directly into the address bar of their browser because they were exposed to your marketing in other media such as  amongst others
    • TV advertising
    • Radio advertising
    • Newspaper and other print media advertising
    • billboards, flyers and other direct marketing 
  2. They will click on a link found in
    • your online marketing 
    • referral from a social media platform such as G+ or Facebook
    •  a web page referencing your work as an authority on your subject matter
    • a web site that has a link exchange program with your web site or blog
    • your paid advertising link in some body elses pages
  3. They will use a search engine to find your online information and click on your listing in a SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
Currently (Jan 2013) Google is the biggest search engine and has the lions share of all search querries, so you will need to be listed in the organic SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) that Google provides to ensure that you get the best exposure within these SERP's

Now the trick is to understand how Google plus influences the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)  provided within the organic search results pages. This is where the power of G+ or Google Plus starts to shine and push any pages associated with your G+ profile closer to the top of the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) due to a host of different social signals that are associated with your G+ profile and the posts that you have made within all your associated G+ pages and related communities.

During my research I came across this post by Mark Traphagen on Wind mill Marketings web site

This post was very well written and extremely helpful in understanding the true power of Google Plus

At the end of the day G+ is Googles own Social media networking platform, and they have full unrestricted access to all data on the Google Plus platform, which gives them quite a bit of leverage to use the data in ways that enhance your search experience. Another point to take into consideration is that they (Google Search Engineers) know the structure of the data as well as the data layout which makes their use of this information simpler and more user friendly.

To understand this a bit better you may need to understand the term FUFISM

Friday, January 18, 2013

YouTube tips video annotations functionality

I read a lot of stuff on the net when I am researching SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) issues and I came across this stuff about YouTube and video annotations functionality where they mention how this impacts on your SEO for any YouTube Videos that you may have in place.

HOW TO: Use Annotations to Increase YouTube Views, Rankings

Thanx to REELSEO for this tip 

Read about marketing your videos on pinterest at the link below

5 Ways To Use Pinterest For Effective Video Marketing

 pinterest video marketing 200x120 5 Ways To Use Pinterest For Effective Video Marketing 

 practice FUFISM - Functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media and ensure that all your marketing gets the SERP's that you deserve

Integrate your video marketing into your complete marketing strategy and ensure that all your social media profiles, and related PAGES link to your video marketing on YouTube for best results.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tips for FaceBook Search Graph

Facebook Graph Search could eventually become a fairly effective local search/recommendations engine. Here are a couple things to know before we get to Facebook’s visibility tips:

Facebook says Search Results will be created by a combination of information created/shared by the business (Pages) and connections of the person doing the search (friends, likes, check-ins, etc.).

Facebook says that its new search bar will return “the top search suggestions, including people, Pages, apps, places, groups, and suggested searches” — notice how “Pages” and “places” are listed separately.

Read the rest of at

This new search facility within FB that searches only FB pages and profiles will change many things in the SEO industry, and all SEO practitioners will need to learn an awful lot in a hurry, as no body has thought of SEO within FB.

If how ever you apply FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media then you will have half the problem under control because
  1. your writings and posts will be focused on your target market
  2. you will be using your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) defined key words in your copy
  3. Your posts will be receiving social signals from your customers and other interested parties. 
  4. your FB post will be receiving positive social signals from your other online efforts  
  5. your FB pages will be receiving positive social signals from your other online efforts 
  6. your other social media profiles will be supplying social signals to your FB profile
  7. Your other social media profiles will be supplying positive social signals to your FB pages
think about your online efforts and apply FUFISM it works....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

what is the value of Social Signals in SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation has come a long way since it first became a necessity in getting your information listed near the top of SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) In the beginning it was purely in-page SEO, and that was fine.

but things have changed drastically see video at bottom of page

Along came the advent of Facebook and the social media revolution which changed the way that we as people communicate in ways that are still being investigated and documented. Many other social media platforms jumped up and started having an influence on information sharing and information flow between people at alarming speeds. People were suddenly sharing a whole lot of stuff online that did not make sense to businesses as it was purely of a social nature with people discussing things like
  • where they would be spending the week end
  • what we will be eating for lunch
  • who is having an affair with my cousin
  • what colour dress should be worn to a party
  • what music is pleasant and what is crappy to listen to
  • their personal love life
  • their personal thoughts and social affairs
  • whats going on at the office when the boss is out
  • what movies to watch
  • where I waste my spare time
This information was indexed in search engines and because of the size of the base web site that the social media platforms operated, and the size of the user base of these social platforms, results suddenly started appearing at the top of SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) for many keywords and keyword phrases, which carried very little value to the person making the search request. 

Soon the marketing world stepped into the social media arena and started direct online marketing within the social media with alarming  results. These results were at first confusing to many within the search industry, especially those involved in SEO for web sites. The major search engines picked this up and started adding the value of social signals to their algorithms with strange results as they were very experimental.

As the search industry came to grips with the impact of the social media on search patterns things started to settle down and an understanding of how social signals should be interpreted by search engines began to emerge. At Info4u we realised that these changes required an integrated approach to all online marketing, as most SEA's (Search Engine Algorithms) use a large variety of issues from different locations to determine the value of any specific page before placing it in any SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

Info4u thus coined the acronym FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media  to describe the our approach to all online marketing, as the Search Industry now requires a lot more information from you to place your online information anywhere near the top of its SERP's.

This short video by slingshot ( found at  discusses some of the related issues focusing on social media issues around social signals and SEO

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

FUFISM and location based marketing

Well I am always reading, reading and reading more, so I tend to notice a lot of new stuff, and read about it, but very seldom put what I have learned to practice.

This article found here on location based marketing was in my opinion worth a read, and you should take a look and consider its possibilities for your own marketing strategies Remember to check out our pages on FUFISM at

A quote from the post above 

Start Quote" 

 Integrating the consumers’ shared location information into a marketing strategy to fulfil their needs at their current location.

" end Quote

This quote re-enforces the concept of FUFISM as it talks of integrating your location based marketing strategy into your social media based efforts ans other online marketing strategies.  visit our FUFISM page in the G+ arena and pass some comment. 

FUFISM as a philosophy  should be integrated into your whole marketing process, and the location of your business or customer base as the case may be, is an important aspect of your marketing which needs special attention within the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) strategy of your marketing team.

Integrating the different sections of your marketing plan into a single consolidated plan  is a very time consuming task, and you will need to do a lot of explaining to many different department heads as to why this should be done in the first place.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

link building help

 Link building is an important part of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) that is very often over looked and usually not considered as part of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

this post in is relevant to link building and really worth a read 

Link building is one of the most important parts of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and great care should be taken to ensure that it has success.  You should apply FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media tactics for best results.

The social media arena is a great source of links and all your social media campaigns should link to specific pages within your company website and carry links to the main landing pages as well.

Social signals are just fancy words for talking about special types of links, and these social signals carry a lot more weight than standard links from normal web sites. It is thus very important that your social media campaign generate some social signals for your website, and that you have reciprocal links from your web site and blog with your social media campaigns.

Every social media platform has a special section where you can develop specialised links that come with branded images 4u2 (for you to) place in your other online platforms like blogs, websites or forums. it is important for your SEOV (Search Engine Optimisation Value) that you do this, as out bound links also add considerable SEOV (Search Engine Optimisation Value) to your online efforts in every platform.

Good content and well managed user interfaces where your online customer base can communicate with you in a manner that pleases them will also result in many organic (natural) links to your pages placed by your information users (customers) within their preferred user platforms such as

a) their own web sites
b) their own blogs
c) their own social media platforms
d) user forums
e) comments in your blogs or other social media

If your customers talk about you in a positive way your will be shocked at the online coverage this generates. So give them a reason to say positive things about you by having good feed back mechanisms in place then monitor these with great care and enthusiasm. Remember to be social on social media platforms and not to push the marketing as this is a social turn off, keep the conversations going as long as possible, placing links to relevant areas of your web sites and blogs within the conversations, as this is a major source of inbound links to your other online information.

Link exchange programs with your suppliers and your resellers is also a very good idea, though this can be a very tedious and extremely time consuming affair, the effort is really worth while. Take the time and you will not be sorry.

for more info send email to or visit

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

What is FUFISM and why should you use it?

FUFISM is a word conjured up by INFO4U to help explain the importance of Functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media. This has become necessary due to the  changes in SEOV (Search Engine Optimisation Value) given to social media posts by Search Engines within their algorithms which determine SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)

Many people use the social media for a variety of purposes, with the main reason being  sharing of information. Marketing people have jumped on this band wagon with great glee and excitement as it has opened many marketing doors and made  online marketing a great success.

The problem is that this marketing is done in isolation and the use of the social media platform is not integrated into the company marketing strategies as a whole.  This makes measuring the success or failure of any individual social media campaign exceptionally difficult, and it often competes with other efforts instead of co-operating to ensure better SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)

The first thing that needs to be understood is how do your customers / clients find your information online! There are only three ways for an end user of your information to find your online offerings
  1. they will use a search engine of some kind
  2. they will type your URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web address directly in the address bar.
  3. they will click on a link in 
  • a page they find by accident,
  •  a page they were referred to or
  • email sent to them

Option 2 will come from your print media, radio, Television or other advertising which can  be quite costly.

Option 3 is rather costly and usually involves paid advertising, but can also involve your offline social media marketing and your email campaigns

Option 1 is  the most cost effective as all organic SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) are free of search engine fees. Organic SERP's are all free Search Engine Results Pages which search engines display to attract the paid advertising customers, whose adverts will appear along side the ORGANIC SERP's

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a complex task involving all your online efforts including your Social Media Efforts which should be integrated into your common marketing strategies. The purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is to ensure the best possible SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages) for your company information. You will get best SEO (Search Engine Optimization) results when you apply FUFISM (Functional User Friendly Integrated Social Media) in a holistic manner and work with
  • your web site team
  • your blogging team
  • Your public relations management team
  • your social media consultants
  • your marketing team
  • your administration staff
It thus follows that FUFISM should be used to ensure best marketing results of all your online efforts resulting in better SERP's (Search Engine Results  pages) and higher online visibility all round.

Business to community webcasts and your business

Webcasts can be very effective as a social media supplement, and add value to your social media posts. web casts are very effective marketing tools, and have good results in most search engines. placing a page within your blog space with your web cast links is the most effective way to go, as this will be  a static page with many references from
  • your web site, 
  • internally within your blog
  • your various social media campaigns
  • your subscriber base at YouTube
  • Your subscriber bases within your various social media platforms
The site to learn about the techniques and procedures involved in web caste is   It is realy worth your while to check out this site and consider becoming a member. their tips and tricks as well as associated learning materials that they link to are trully informative and helpful.

check out these links within their pages - how to start up guides business to community research library business to community elearning center building better business relationships through engaging communities

remember to think about FUFISM when using social media, as this helps get perspective on what you are doing, and what results to expect as well as who should be monitoring your responses and what actions they should be taking.

Your target market needs serious evaluation and must be researched properly before you set up your webcast. Your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is dependent on your target market selection,  and should be integrated into your whole marketing strategy for each separate webcast.

Remember that marketing is a team effort and that everybody within your company and organisation must always be prepared, as strange things can happen very easily and any one of your web casts or other social media posts could go viral at any time, and if you have applied FUFISM then you will be well rewarded